Level 1 Math Goals

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I can use number talks and word problems to:

  • Add and subtract within 20 using efficient strategies
  • Compare numbers within 100
  • Apply number sense and strategies in “mental math”
  • Understand equations as true or false
  • Solve problems of 3 or more addends with unknowns in all positions

I can use memorization games and finger charts to:

  • Fluently add and subtract within ten

I can use the tens board to

  • Match groups of ten to a written numeral

I can use the teens board to:

  • Compose numbers of a ten and a quantity 1-9

I can use bead bars to:

  • “count on” to solve addition problems within 20
  • Demonstrate the associative property of addition when adding multiple one digit addends
  • Solve addition problems with missing addends
  • I can use golden beads to
  • compose and decompose numbers in the bank game
  • Build, read, and write two-digit numerals
  • Exchange quantities between place values
  • Compare two-digit numbers using symbols <, >, =
  • Add and subtract within 100

I can use the geometric cabinet to:

  • Define shapes by characteristics

I can use the constructive triangles to:

  • Form composite shapes from shapes and build new shapes from composite shapes

I can use the addition strip board to:

  • Demonstrate the commutative property of addition
  • Solve problems with unknowns in all positions

I can use the subtraction strip board to:

  • Decompose numbers leading to a ten
  • Solve problems with unknowns in all positions

I can use the addition snake game to:

  • Apply the addition strategy “make a ten”

I can use the squaring and cubing chains to:

  • Read, write and count numerals to 120 starting anywhere

I can use the 100 board to:

  • Mentally find ten more or ten less than a given number

I can use the stamp game to:

  • Add and subtract within 100

I can use a moveable clock to:

  • Tell time to the hour and half hour

I can use non-standard units of measurement to:

  • Compare and order lengths of three objects
  • Measure length to the nearest whole unit

I can use fraction circles and metal squares to:

  • Partition and label wholes into halves and fourths