Level 3 Math Goals

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I can use number talks and word problems to:

  • Solve problems using multiplication and division within 100
  • Solve for unknown numbers in all positions of multiplication and division equations
  • Apply the commutative, associative, and distributive properties of multiplication
  • Apply the relationship between multiplication and division
  • Solve two-step problems using all four operations
  • Solve word problems involving time, volume and mass
  • Solve word problems involving area and perimeter

I can use memorization games and finger charts to:

  • Fluently multiply and divide within 100
  • Know from memory all products of two one-digit numerals
  • Identify and explain patterns in arithmetic

I can use golden bead material to:

  • Divide as equal shares

I can use the squaring and cubing chains to:

  • Identify and explain patterns in arithmetic
  • Round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred

I can use stamp game to:

  • Show division as equal shares
  • Show group division

I can use the bead frame to:

  • Round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred
  • Fluently add and subtract within 1000
  • Multiply whole numbers by multiples of ten

I can use the checkerboard to:

  • Multiply whole numbers by multiples of ten
  • Relate area to multiplication

I can use number lines to:

  • Locate fractions and their equivalent fractions


I can use the mulitplication bead board to:

  • Understand multiplication by thinking about groups of objects

I can use the unit division board to:

  • Understand the relationship between multiplication and division
  • Understand division by thinking about how one group can be divided into smaller groups

I can use bead bars to:

  • Understand multiplication by thinking about groups of objects
  • Demonstrate the commutative, associative, and distributive properties of multiplication
  • Relate area to multiplication and addition

I can use the peg board to:

  • Identify patterns in arithmetic
  • Relate area to multiplication and addition

I can use a moveable clock to:

  • Tell and write time to the nearest minute

I can use graphing material to:

  • Create and interpret scaled picture graphs and bar graphs
  • Create line plots using length data to the nearest ¼ inch

I can use the geometric cabinet to:

  • Classify and sort types of quadrilaterals

I can use the geometry stick box to:

  • Solve problems involving perimeter of polygons

I can use the yellow area material to:

  • Measure area by counting unit squares
  • Relate area to multiplication and addition

I can use the fraction circles and metal squares to:

  • Understand numerators and denominators
  • Explore and explain equivalent fractions
  • Compare fractions
  • Partition shapes into equal parts. Label each as a unit fraction

I can use measurement tools to:

  • Estimate and measure volume and mass using standard units
  • Generate length data to the nearest ¼ inch