Level 6 Math Goals

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I can use number talks and word problems to:

  • Solve real world problems dividing fractions by fractions
  • Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real world problems
  • Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers
  • Understand and use mathematical terms.
  • Understand and use variables to represent numbers in real world problems
  • Convert measurement units
  • Solve real world problems involving percents

I can use fraction circles to:

  • Divide fractions by fractions


I can use the peg board to:

  • Describe relationships between two quantities using ratio language
  • Find greatest common factors and least common multiples


I can use the bead cabinet squares and cubes to:

  • Write and solve expressions with exponents
  • Write expressions using variables to represent numbers

I can use bead bars to:

  • Read, write and solve expressions with variables
  • Apply properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions
  • Identify equivalent expressions

I can use graph paper to:

  • Represent points on the plane with negative number coordinates
  • Plot values from ratio tables
  • Apply properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions
  • Represent and solve problems with two or more variables

I can use the number lines to:

  • Represent positive and negative integers as points on a line
  • Solve problems involving ratio and rate
  • Represent solutions of inequalities

I can use algebra tiles to:

  • Solve equations and inequalities with unknowns
  • Write expressions using variables to represent numbers

I can use the standard algorithm to:

  • Fluently divide multi-digit numbers
  • Add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimals