ORLA Middle School Academy (MSA) Program: 2025-26
Enrollment Process
Thank you for your interest in the Middle School Academy. Here is the information you need to enroll your student in the lottery process. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Step 1 - Attendance at an MSA Information Meeting is the first step to pursue enrollment into the program. Currently the following information meetings are available - please attend the one that works best for your family’s schedule. Caregivers and students are welcome to attend the meeting:
We will have general information about our program, building tours provided by MSA students, and parent and student representatives from our program available to answer questions.
- Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6PM - This is a Zoom meeting. General information about the program will be shared, and there will be an opportunity for questions. Below is the Zoom link to attend the a MSA Information Meeting on February 12th:
- MSA Information Meeting Zoom Link
Step 2 - Caregivers complete the MSA application. The link for the application will be provided during attendance at an MSA Information Meeting.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: All applications must be completed by 4PM Friday, March 14, 2025 to be considered for the lottery.
Step 3 - Parents/Guardians will be notified of the lottery results by 4PM Friday, March 21, 2025.
Students who qualify for special education services will be included in the lottery process, with enrollment contingent upon determination that ORLA is an appropriate placement based on the student’s individual needs and if applicable, inter-district transfer approval.
Step 4 - If selected for the MSA program, the acceptance form must be completed no later than 4PM on March 28, 2025. This form will be emailed to all families who are being offered a spot in the program.
Selection rules and procedures for the lottery and continuation in the program:
Students must be entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade in the fall of 2025.
In-district applicants have priority over out-of-district applicants.
All applicants who apply before 4PM Friday, March 14, 2025 will be given a number and submitted into a random lottery.
Families of students who will be offered a seat in MSA based on the lottery results will be notified by email within one week of the lottery and invited to formally enroll in the program.
Families of students who are not offered a seat in MSA based on the lottery results will be placed on a waiting list in the order that their lottery number was drawn, and families will be notified by email.
Families will have a deadline to accept or decline the invitation to enroll in the program. Those families who decline placement for the 2025-2026 school year will have their names removed from the lottery list but may reapply the following year to enter the lottery again.
As spots open up, families on the waiting list will be notified and will be given 7 days from the date of notification to accept or decline the invitation to enroll in the program.
For following school years, returning students who have successfully completed the current year and have submitted a re-enrollment form will continue in the program.
If spots open during the school year, they will be offered to the person based on the remaining waiting list. Late applicants will be added to the waiting list based on the order that they are received.
Each year, a new lottery will be held for the incoming sixth grade class and openings in the seventh and eighth grade program. A new waiting list will be established each year.
Where should I go for more information?
You are welcome to reach out to our Dean of Students, Laura Herman, for more information.
[email protected]