School Performance Report

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About Our School

Patrick Murphy, Superintendent

Frank Reed, Principal

Stacey Anderson, Assistant Principal


The Olympia Regional Learning Academy is comprised of four separate programs that provide unique learning opportunities for students:

  • hConnect is for students in grades K-12 and offers support to families who serve as their children’s primary educator through home-based instruction. Parents may enroll their children in a wide variety of on-site classes in the core subject areas of science, language arts, social studies and math as well as offerings in world languages, visual and performing arts, music, technology, physical education/health, poetry and many others. Parents may also choose from a wide assortment of curriculum for use in their coursework at home. Families meet regularly with certificated staff to discuss their children’s individual learning plans. Click here to view our current course offerings.
  • ORLA Online offers students in grades k-12 a quality education with the flexibility to choose the time of day and place where they work on their classes in an online format. Students may be enrolled full-time or they may be enrolled part-time and dually enrolled with another OSD high school.
  • ORLA Montessori provides multi-age classes observing and supporting the natural development of children for K-5th grades. ORLA Montessori follows the educational model established by Maria Montessori, where the teacher serves as an observer and guide. Learning is child-directed and emphasizes the freedom to learn, combined with child responsibility.
  • Middle School Academy is an Alternative Learning Experience School (ALE). Students are part of an academically focused middle school that is made up of small class sizes, block scheduling to provide time for deeper learning and exploration, teachers who team together to create units of learning that complement the core subjects of math, ELA, science, and social studies, once a month field trips that provide hands-on learning opportunities, and on-campus requirements that are not full day, every day.


ORLA is accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission and Association of Education Service Districts in the 2018-2023 school years.



2023-24 School Facts

Based on the October 2023 enrollment report, there were 600 students enrolled at Olympia Regional Learning Academy.


The OSPI Report Card captures data for all enrolled students as of October 1 of each year. This total number DOES NOT provide a complete count of students Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) which districts receive funding. For additional resources on enrollment reporting and FTE calculations visit Washington OSPI Enrollment ReportingOpening in a new windowOpening in a new window.



Hispanic/Latino of any race(s)   
Black/African American 1.3%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0.3% 
Two or More Races


Student Demographics

Male students 52.3%
Female students 40.8%
Gender X 6.8%
Special Education 9.5%


Teacher Information


  • Number of classroom teachers: 35
  • Average years of teacher experience: 15.9
  • Teachers with at least a Master's Degree: 68.6%



2023-24 District Operating Budget





Building Administration
$10,093,012 6.10%
Maintenance & Operations   $10,070,814 6.09%
District Support
$4,555,830 2.75%
$4,941,521 2.99%
Technology $2,692,684 1.63%
Utilities & Insurance $5,778,606 3.49%
Food Service
$4,346,598 2.63%
Other $214,669 0.13%
Total Expenditures $165,435,891 100.00%





$122,745,027 73.93%
$31,776,260 19.14%
Federal   $9,618,166 5.79%
Other Revenue $969, 493 0.58%
Other Financing Sources                          
$919,452 0.55%
Total Revenue $166,028,397 99.99%



Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program

Washington students participate in state tests annually to assess their progress as well as the progress of our educational system as a whole. Learn more on the State Testing FAQ page.


Our state uses the Smarter Balanced assessment system, aligned to Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards. The scores below represent the percent of students who tested and met standard in three core subjects, ELA, Math, and for grades 5, 8, and 11, Science (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science or WCAS).


2022-23 3rd Grade SBA


2022-23 3rd Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 48.6% 53.3% 47.7%
45.0% 52.0% 47.7%
24.3% 52.9% 50.3%
40.0% 52.1% 51.1%

2022-23 4th Grade SBA


2022-23 4th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 28.6% 50.5% 49.0%
43.8% 49.0% 48.5%
Math      19.0% 50.7% 48.2%
35.4% 45.7% 47.8%


2022-23 5th Grade SBA


2022-23 5th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 23.7% 57.0% 52.5%
45.8% 56.2% 52.3%
8.0% 43.0% 40.9%
14.6% 43.3% 41.8%
Science 28.9% 57.5% 50.9%   49.0% 61.0% 55.3%


2022-23 6th Grade SBA 


2022-23 6th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 32.1% 54.3% 46.3%
23.3% 56.9% 46.4%
Math      35.7% 46.4% 36.7%



Science --- --- ---   --- --- ---


2022-23 7th Grade SBA 


2022-23 7th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 23.1% 63.2% 49.8%
41.7% 57.4% 49.5%
15.4% 49.2% 36.8%
33.3% 53.4% 37.8%


2022-23 8th Grade SBA 


2022-23 8th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 56.3% 61.0% 48.5%
32.1% 59.7% 47.1%
25.0% 43.1% 32.3%
14.3% 46.1% 33.5%
Science 60.0% 59.4% 41.4%   28.6% 57.3% 40.2%


2022-23 11th Grade SBA 


2022-23 10th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 43.8% 69.0% 60.3%
35.1% 70.3% 60.1%
12.5% 42.4% 29.9%
21.6% 44.2% 29.9%


2022-23 12th Grade WCAS 


2022-23 11th Grade WCAS

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
Science 25.0% 37.0% 36.7%
<10% 38.7% 35.7%



Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP is a district assessment that measures a student's developing skills through a series of questions that adapt to the child’s level of learning. Research on MAP indicates the results are highly accurate. The results help teachers measure growth and determine whether a student may need more support or more challenge. 


What is the Rasch UnIT (RIT) scale?

When students finish their MAP Growth test, they receive a number called an RIT score for each area they are tested in (reading, language usage, math, or science). This score represents a student’s achievement level at any given moment and helps measure their academic growth over time. The RIT scale is a stable scale, like feet and inches, that accurately measures student performance, regardless of age, grades, or grade level. Like marking height on a growth chart, and being able to see how tall your child is at various points in time, you can also see how much they have grown between tests.

The higher the RIT score, the more achievement the student has in the subject. The student's percentile ranking and conditional growth percentile can show how much the student has achieved in comparison with their peers. You can also refer to the Comparative Data to Inform Instructional Decisions to understand how students are performing relative to other students in the same grade level according to our national norms.


2022-23 Reading


2023-24 Reading 

Our School  
Our District 
National Norm 
  Our School 
Our District 
National Norm 
Grade K 168 156 153   166 156 153
Grade 1 181 173 171   183 175 171
Grade 2
204 190 186   190 187 186
Grade 3 208 201 197   208 202 197
Grade 4 214 208 205   220 209 205
Grade 5 218 216 211   219 215 211
Grade 6 218 219 215   223 220 215
Grade 7 221 222 218   227 223 218
Grade 8 227 226 222   224 226 222
Grade 9 228 224 221   235 229 221
Grade 10 230 230 224   236 230 224

2022-23 Math


2023-24 Math 

Our School  
Our District 
National Norm 
  Our School 
Our District 
National Norm 
Grade K 175 162 157   170 162 157
Grade 1 185 180 176   190 179 176
Grade 2 202 195 189   196 193 189
Grade 3 203 210 201   207 204 201
Grade 4 205 210 211   220 214 211
Grade 5  212 219 219   218 219 219
Grade 6 223 224 223   228 227 223
Grade 7 223 228 227   235 233 227
Grade 8 226 233 230   228 236 230
Grade 9  234 233 230   235 241 230
Grade 10 232 229 232   243 235 232


ORLA Mission Statement

The Olympia Regional Learning Academy provides a unique learning environment with high academic standards. Staff and families collaborate to provide a safe and supportive community where students are valued as individuals. Through diverse and innovative educational opportunities, our students are empowered and prepared to succeed in a rapidly changing world.


Olympia School District Vision

We envision a supportive environment that promotes trust, growth, and achievement of the highest standards. We build our capacity for success through leading-edge programs and operations based on continuous improvement. We have a 100 percent commitment to quality and excellence in all things.



National Assessment of Educational Progress

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a survey of grade student achievement in core subject areas. NAEP measures what students across the country know and can do in 10 subject areas, including mathematics, reading, writing, and science. Current state-level results may be viewed here.

To learn more about NAEP, visit this page.



For More Information

If you would like more details about student achievement and demographics, visit the OSPI website and select reports by district or school.

If you would like other information about ORLAOpening in a new window, please call (360) 596-7730.