
Montessori Lottery Information


2025-26 School Year

The Montessori interest meeting schedule will be posted here by mid-February. Thank you for your interest.


ORLA Montessori Lottery Enrollment Information Meetings Now CLOSED for 2024-25.

If you would like to be added to an Interest List for 2024-25 school year, please visit the OSD transfer webpage. Available openings during the 2024-25 school will be processed in the order they are received. 



What is Montessori?

Developed in the early 1900’s by Maria Montessori and used internationally in schools for over 80 years, Montessori is a comprehensive educational approach designed to help each individual child reach their full potential at their own unique pace.

The Montessori philosophy values the natural curiosity and ability for learning present within each child. Students learn responsibility, time management, and social skills along with academics within a highly structured, prepared learning environment.  Lessons are given individually or in small groups of children with similar interests, skills or academic needs.  Students work at their own pace and follow their own interests throughout the sequential curriculum designed to help every individual reach his or her full potential.  Students are grouped into multi-age classrooms.  Younger students are inspired by, and imitate, the work of the older children who act as role models.  Older students gain experience and confidence in leadership.

During an uninterrupted, three-hour work period, k-5th grade students are guided by the teacher to make choices about where what, and how long to spend on a particular work.  After an initial presentation, students are able to practice and continue their learning independently with the support of specially designed manipulative materials, beautiful charts, timelines, and books.


Watch this ORLA Montessori overview video from 2018 to learn more.


Questions Please Call: (360) 596-7730



2025-26 School Year


The Montessori interest meeting schedule will be posted here by mid-February. Thank you for your interest.


2024-25 School Year


ORLA Montessori Lottery Enrollment Information Meetings Now CLOSED for 2024-25.

If you would like to be added to an Interest List for 2024-25 school year, please fill out the OSD Transfer Request:


ORLA Montessori Transfer Waitlist 2024-2025


We will use the contacts from this list to build a wait-list and notify families of open spots for our K-5th grades as they become available throughout the school year


The lottery was held on May 10th, with offers being made May 15, 2024. Out of district candidates will be contacted on May 31, 2024. 


After accepting a spot, registration materials were sent to families.


We are looking forward to meeting you! 

If your student has not been accepted into the ORLA lottery and you complete the online registration, your application will NOT be processed.

At this time, ORLA will offer the following grades for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • - Kindergarten (5 years old by August 31) - 2nd grades
  • - 3rd - 5th grades

Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions

ORLA Montessori Classes:

Fall 2024 the following grades:

  • Four Kindergarten (5 years old by August 31) - 2nd grades
  • Three 3rd - 5th grades

Is Montessori Right For My Child?


How much does it cost to enroll?

 ORLA Montessori is free and part of the wonderful alternative choices within the  Olympia Public School system.


Where are you located?

 Our school is off Boulevard Road at 2400 15th Ave SE Olympia, 98501.

Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Contact 360-596-7730

Attendance Line at 360-596-7773.


What is the Montessori Work Period?

 The Montessori Method is built around a 3-hour work period during which, students work at their own pace. Under the guidance of the teacher, they may choose to pursue activities in math, language, science, history, geography, practical life or sensorial. At any time on any day, all of these activities may be occurring simultaneously. Students may work independently, with a partner, or with a small group of children.


The Montessori Materials

The classroom environment is prepared with learning materials specially designed and sequenced to spark curiosity and foster independent learning. Hands-on, self-correcting manipulatives in math and language allow students to work independently towards mastery of concepts presented. Engaging charts, timelines, books, and nomenclature cards fill the shelves of the cultural areas, inviting and guiding the students through studies of geography, history, and science. Additional materials may be found at the Supply Lists link required by each classroom.



 The carefully structured Montessori classroom is organized into five distinct curricular areas:


  •  Sensorial: Students develop and train all five senses to explore, classify, discriminate, and order their world.
  •  Practical Life: Students develop motor skills, concentration, grace and courtesy through activities with a lifelong practical application such as pouring and measuring, gardening, using good manners, and other skills that lead to independence.
  •  Math: Hands-on manipulative materials allow students to work independently and develop concrete understandings of place value, number order, operations and facts, fractions and geometry.
  •  Language: In addition to guided lessons in reading and writing, manipulative materials in the language area give practice in phonics, grammar, spelling, and handwriting - giving a solid foundation for progressively advanced skills.
  •  Cultural: History, geography and science materials allow the student to discover and expand their knowledge of various forms of life on earth and their interdependence, our universe from the beginning of time to the present day, the physical laws of science, and the history of the development of civilizations and culture.
Supply Lists


ORLA Montessori values the natural curiosity and learning abilities of a child. The classroom has materials specially designed and sequenced to spark curiosity and foster independent learning.


Each teacher has a specific supply list for their room, however these items are needed for the specific grade level.


Kindergarten, First & Second Grade


ALL K-2 STUDENTS: Personal Supplies - Please label with your child’s name.

A complete change of clothes for your child in a Ziploc bag (in case of accidents or spills).
Emergency Supply Bag – 1 package non-perishable food item in case of emergency (crackers, bars, jerky, etc.) Food items should have a 1-year shelf life.
1 blue 2-pocket folders
1 sketch pad
1 Primary Journal (each page is ½ blank space for drawing and has lines underneath for writing) Last year, Office Depot and Fred Meyer carried these; they are also available from many online vendors.
One chubby pencil

Shared Materials: Do not label:
1 box of 12 pencils
Grade K: scissors
Grade 1: 1 box of facial tissues (kleenex)
Grade 2: 1 box watercolors

One ream 8 1/2 x 11 inch white copy paper, 20 lb. 500 sheets.

Note: Individual teachers may have an additional request once the school year begins.


Third, Fourth & Fifth Grade


Personal supplies (write student’s name on these items, PLEASE.)

  • NEW LIST Upper Elementary
    1” binder
    6 dividers with pockets
    3 plastic folders with pockets
    1 clip board
    Backpack or book bag. (The ORLA Office has backpacks available with basic supplies included, just ask!)
    Tri-fold board for Science Project (5th grade)
    1 small personal whiteboard
    5 thin whiteboard makers (2 black, blue, red, & green)
    3 Composition Notebooks (red, blue, and black please)
    1 pencil pouch
    1 hi-polymer eraser
    1 ruler (inches & centimeters)
    1 sturdy magazine holder
    1 pair of headphones (corded for computer)
    1 drawing notebook (blank pages)
    1 emergency pack: a Ziploc style bag with your child’s name, containing a change of clothes, socks, non-perishable foods, and an emergency blanket.
    1 spill proof water bottle to leave at school

    Shared supplies throughout the year: (Please do not write student’s names on these items)
    24 pencils (plain yellow, wooden) Ticonderoga preferred
    2 boxes 12 count colored pencils
    1 set of 16 watercolors (Prang preferred)
    glue sticks (pack of 8)
    1 pack of pencil top erasers
    2 Large containers of disinfectant wipes
    1 Large box of Tissue
    One bag or box of non-perishable snack
    1 ultra fine point Sharpie
    1 fine point Sharpie

     1 ream 8 1/2 x 11 inch white copy paper, 20 lb. 500 sheets.

Volunteer in ORLA Montessori

To Volunteer at ORLA do these two steps:

  • Attend a required Volunteer Orientation meeting - these are held every Tuesday at 9AM via Zoom.  Click THIS LINK to access the Zoom.

Complete the OSD Volunteer application and be approved by the district - this generally takes between 2-5 days and you will receive an email from the district when you are approved.  Here is the link to the OSD Volunteer application:   OSD Volunteer Application

Thank you so much for helping us at our school!